Disclaimer: Scientific studies are for informational and educational purpose only. We do not claim any therapeutical effects for our FrenchGlory isotonic OPC antioxidants.
As aging progresses after the middle age, the veins are becoming weaker. Some fluid that builds up your legs may leak due to weak veins or venous insufficiency, leading to weak collagen structures for bone and skin.
Clinical studies shown that grape seed extract makes collagen stronger, good for your bone and skin. Grape seed extract and Vitamin C combination is the excellent supplement to make healthy connective tissue – the veins.
Grape seed extract was investigated in clinical studies to treat edema – leg swelling.
† The contents in this website have not been evaluated by the US Food & Drug Administration. Vitaflavan® grape seed extract and FrenchGlory® OPC antioxidants are nutritional supplements, not intended to diagnose, treat, care for or prevent any diseases.

Copyright © 2010-Present, Isotonic OPC Antioxidants, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Grape Seed Extract is a Supper Supplement for People of Leg Edema